10 weeks, 40 miles & my first back to back long run weekend

I was pleased to manage a steady 5.4 mile run on Monday night. I try to not go more than 48 hours without running and this kept that up following on from the 50k Beer Ultra last Saturday. On Tuesday morning I maintained a slightly faster pace over 4 miles on the treadmill.

My aim had been to cover a minimum of 40 miles this week. I forced myself out the door on Thursday for another 5.4 miles that was very sluggish.

It was in the back of my mind for both runs over the weekend that my effort last week to cover half the distance of London to Brighton race took 6 and a half hours, this could mean some night running in darkness despite the 6:30am start time. These included 2 loops of the 5.4 mile route on Saturday then 2 loops of the 7.5 mile route this morning. Despite my legs being quite fatigued from last week, I was able to persevere through both efforts and maintain an acceptable pace. There was a Mark Twain quote about courage and fear I’d stumbled across earlier in the week that helped as well.



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43 weeks, 37 miles and a reminder about delayed gratification

I really struggled for motivation this week. I found the midweek running difficult to gain any enthusiasm for. I think this was because I wasn’t fully recovered from last weekend’s long run. Nevertheless I forced myself out of the house... Continue →