11 weeks, 47 miles and a less refined approach to pain management

I only went running 4 times this week. This was due to wanting to ensure I finished the 50k Beer Ultra yesterday. I did my usual 5.4 mile loop on Wednesday morning and then a 5 mile run on the treadmill later that day. These were both tolerable and although I wasn’t able to get into any sort of rhythm for either, I managed comfortably enough.

The slightly better weather at the start of the week had lulled me into a false sense of security and I had a real struggle during my 5.4 mile loop on Thursday when it was driving rain early evening. It’s the first time in ages I remember having to grind my teeth to get through a run!

The Beer Ultra consisted of a beer at the start and then one at the end of each 5km lap. They also had a rather minimalist approach to a kit list. Essentially if you had a bottle opener to use at the end of each lap, anything else was optional! Because I remembered how cold it was for parts of the Last One Standing last year, I wore a base layer top, running shirt and a waterproof jacket. I also packed a hat and waterproof trousers but didn’t end up needing these. I was pleased I did this because it rained for the majority of the day. Stephen, the runner I spent virtually the entire race running alongside, somehow managed to do the first 7 laps with only a vest, running buff and gloves on his upper body.

Throughout the race, I quite enjoyed knowing I only had 5km to run before my next beer. There was a theory being discussed at the start which was that based on the time in between laps and the exercise, your body would metabolise the alcohol as you go round and you wouldn’t be drunk.

I found the variation between the 2 different 5km laps we had to do helped in terms of a distraction from the total distance I had left. It wasn’t long before I could reduce what was still to run to 2 laps of the first route, 2 of the second etc. The words “after this” were also useful as I could trick my brain into forgetting about the lap I was currently on.

I had finished reading a book called “A Monster Calls” earlier that morning and a quote from that stuck with me about believing what you know to be lies.


Whilst there was some truth in the part about your body metabolising some of the alcohol, it did catch up with me by the last few laps. The start of odd numbered laps had a very steep descent which was also ridiculously muddy near the end of the day. I had a rather undignified start to my last time going round this route and fell 3 times in quick success over the space of about 50 yards! In keeping with the comforting lies theme, I was happy to believe this was balance induced rather than alcohol induced!

At the end of the race I was able to down my last beer (11th) in one and was very pleased to be awarded a spot prize for being the fastest to down a beer throughout the day.


It was very enjoyable to have a social beer at the end with the others who had finished and cheer in the last few runners. There was a real camaraderie amongst everyone and it is definitely a race I’d like to revisit.

In terms of preparation for the London to Brighton race, it’s a big confidence boost to have jumped from a longest training run of 24 miles to around 31 miles. Hopefully if I can get up to a similar distance again before the race, I will be able to finish within my target time.


Now read this

Post race thoughts on my 42 miles (10 laps)

Yesterday was a lot tougher than expected. I had planned to do 12 laps and hadn’t really considered the possibility of doing any less. The race started at noon and I intentionally left my phone in the hotel room and told my fiancé and... Continue →