15 weeks to go, 56.2 miles and a more than welcome return to using Decibel Nutrition Pre-Workout

Part of the appeal of running week after week towards a long term goal is knowing there will be some sessions where the efforts you put in beforehand make part of some training runs feel effortless. I had taken the suggested 2 week break from using the Decibel Nutrition Pre-Workout and 7-8 miles out of my 10 mile run on Tuesday morning fell into this category.

My 5.4 miles on Wednesday were a bit harder and I didn’t have the adrenaline there I’d managed to sustain the day before. I continued with 7.5 miles on Thursday morning. I took some of the Decibel Nutrition Pre-Workout before and felt my sustained effort was good for the distance. I headed out for another 5.4 miles in the evening which was beyond sluggish but I was pleased to get through it for the reasoning below.

I have been very keen this week to edge closer to a 60+ miles total for 7 days. Pschologically getting up to this will be a massive boost for me before the race because I’m a big believer in the “If you can run it in a week, you can run it in a day” theory.

I decided to do 5.4 miles again on Saturday morning but combine the suggested 10 and 12 miles from the Relentless Forward Progress 100km plan for the weekend into one long effort again today.

I had read up quite a bit on deliberate practice last night and how this is necessary for improving performance. The idea of this is that it is aiming to improve upon previous efforts and outcome focused. I did 3 laps of the 7.5 mile loop and managed to knock 20 minutes off my time for this from last week. Hopefully next week I can stretch my long run to 24 miles.


Now read this

49 weeks, 10 training runs and my second time above 80 miles on a training week

I like to think of the time I spend running on my own as being purposeful from a mental health point of view as I can allow my mind to wander and often come up with solutions or make decisions I am unable to reach without the endorphin... Continue →