22 weeks, 4 training days and something resembling consistency in running pace

This week was easily the most consistent I have had for a few months. For the last few weeks I have managed to so 1-2 runs at a decent pace and the other sessions were not really anything I’d regard as strenuous in terms of the speed I was running at.

I started the week on Tuesday with an hour of core workout finishing with a 10 minute run at just under my usual 5k pace with some decent inclines included (400m at 2-6%). Later that day I did 4 miles at a slightly slower pace but included the same tough hills lasting double the distance. It’s a good sign of progress that I’m including hills like these in training runs I’d have to do on flat a few years ago.

I did 2 runs of 7.5 miles later in the week which both felt like a faster pace than usual. I have found quite a nice extension to my 5.4 mile loop which adds in a slightly longer hill near the end but finishes with a nice 2 miles which are totally flat. I quite like knowing once I have got up the 2nd hill I can push on and continue at the same pace to the end.

I finished with 10.8 miles today which consisted of 2 laps of my usual 5.4 mile loop. The first lap was very enjoyable as I had driven back from Birmingham and had experienced a bit of cabin fever for the last part of that. If you ever want a cure for cabin fever, go for a run. I cant envisage anything working better!

Once I started my second lap, I noticed my top had bled through on the left side from rubbing against my nipple. This usually is preventable by using Vaseline/aloe vera gel beforehand but I didn’t consider doing so since it normally only happens on longer runs.

For the rest of my run it didn’t bother me but I did get some strange looks from fellow pedestrians and drivers. One of my favourite travel writers Bill Bryson, in one of his books once described the bathroom in a rather bleak sounding motel by comparing it to the infamous scene in the film Psycho and retorting that at least she had a shower curtain!

I had forgotten how sharp the pain from showering when somewhere had chafed was. Luckily I did enjoy remembering that quote. I’ll have to restock up to prevent this happening again.

Next week is the longest I’ll have done in 7 days since the Skiddaw race and it certainly feels like I’m back to increasing mileage mode rather than recovery mode. Hopefully the increase in volume won’t result in too much of a loss of pace.


Now read this

Post race thoughts

“ It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust... Continue →