24 weeks, 7 laps of 7.5 miles and a consistent approach to early morning running

The training for this week included 4 laps of 7.5 miles between Tuesday and Friday, then another 3 laps this morning. I was happy to manage to set off between 5 and 5:30am each morning during the week and although I set off a bit later than usual today, it was nice to be in daylight for the entire outing.

I had a plethora of distractions to pass the time during my running this week, the Bad Boy Running pod (podcast) had another interview with Camille Herron which was just as captivating as the first one I listened to a while back. I also enjoyed listening to a rugby union pod and the usual Talking Comics and Sirens of Scream horror pods.

There was a brilliant line that one of the Talking Comics panellists narrated from a book he had recently which was “you are more than the sum of the things you do well” I quite liked the idea of a comic book challenging the idealised versions of ourselves we can like to present. The one thing I try to use this blog for is to present a balanced account of how my training goes and like to think because I include how things don’t always go to plan and unsuccessful ways I try to address unexpected problems that it isn’t reduced to a glossy account of my life where everything is fine. Whilst it would be quite enjoyable for me if it actually happened, I’m sure it would be tedious to read about!!

I’m pleased to have managed to stay above 50 miles again this week and looking forward to trying to build up to 60+ in the coming weeks. There will be a different challenge of adapting back to trails which I’ll have to start including soon. Below is one of the better quotes I found this week when searching for motivation



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43 weeks, 37 miles and a reminder about delayed gratification

I really struggled for motivation this week. I found the midweek running difficult to gain any enthusiasm for. I think this was because I wasn’t fully recovered from last weekend’s long run. Nevertheless I forced myself out of the house... Continue →