39 weeks, 51 miles and a haphazard way of sticking to my decision

I quite enjoyed my running this week. From doing 5.4 miles on Tuesday and being relatively comfortable throughout, I decided to aim for 50 miles as a total for the week. This was all going to plan with further solitary laps of 5.4 miles on Wednesday and Thursday, I figured I could do 4 laps on Saturday and finish the week with 13 miles today with my brother Ben.

I had been drawn in this week by a volunteering opportunity for a multi day race in May, this was something that I felt probably 3 years away from being able to build up to, but the scope that giving 5 days of my time could end up possibly saving me £900 in entry fees quickly reevaluated my optimism!

Unfortunately this didn’t translate to my feeble attempt at running yesterday, I’ve come to terms with the fact that running 4+ laps can sometimes be really hard but I think a combination of factors such as the cold and windchill at 6am, not preparing sufficient podcasts before and a poor choice of layering meant I was done after 2 laps, my legs were really heavy and locking out with cramp and I just couldn’t face another 2 laps of barely shuffling my feet in a forward direction.

Luckily the motivation was back this morning and I was able to head out and complete the remaining 2 laps before my run with Ben this afternoon, I am pleased I stuck to my goal of 50 for the week despite the setback yesterday.

I’ve wrote previously about wanting my running to progress year on year and have been pleased to move from a 44 mile run this blog started with to training towards 100 miles later this year. I think it was shortly before the London to Brighton 100km race that the seed was planted about the 100 mile distance being what I would move up towards. This may not end up being 2 years on but it is good to have identified the next long term goal for post October.



Now read this

6 weeks remaining, 51 miles and breaking a 3 year old record for total distance covered both outdoors and outside of race conditions

I picked the Relentless Forward Progress 100km plan for 2 reasons, the first was that it was 24 weeks long so I wouldn’t have to extend a shorter plan, the other was that the longest training run was “only” 31 miles. Knowing I had done... Continue →