43 weeks, 37 miles and a reminder about delayed gratification

I really struggled for motivation this week. I found the midweek running difficult to gain any enthusiasm for. I think this was because I wasn’t fully recovered from last weekend’s long run. Nevertheless I forced myself out of the house for 2 laps of 5.4 miles and 2 laps of 7.5 miles during the week to maintain something resembling consistency. I spent most of the time during these listening to podcasts and going through the motions ltterally and figuratively.

Today’s effort was definitely not podcast friendly. It had served as my main light at the end of the tunnel for this week and something I had looked forward to eventually happening since suggesting it to my brother Ben several weeks ago.

I have a sentimental fondness for the Fairfield Horseshoe route. My wife kindly let me sneak off to run it one morning on our mini-moon last year and I had ran it in the opposite direction when we were back in the Lake District for our anniversary in October. I had built this up to being a tough training run when discussing with Ben and he had finally talked himself into trying the route with me.

We had a bit of difficulty reaching the route from Rydal Hall and did a lap of the woods in their grounds before reaching the path towards Nab Scar. Ben took some photos on the way up to the top of Fairfield and although he appeared quite forlorn when we finally got there, he at least enjoyed the first part up into the clouds






We had some peanut butter sachets and a beer each on our way back down. I provided some assurance that the wall on our right would lead us all the way back to Ambleside. Despite some trepidation about going past 4 bulls, we made it back to the car in one piece

We had an absurd amount of energy bars and wraps to replenish our energy levels and I spent most of the drive back coercing him into trying the route again in the Spring.

I have really needed today’s run as something to rest this week on. There is a marvellous focus about going up a hill where you know nothing short of your best will get you up it. I think the anticipation of knowing I needed to be able to do this definitely helped me get through this week’s training. I came across this AA Milne quote a while back which explains this benefit well.


Now read this

Post Race Thoughts

I first started training properly towards this race after volunteering on the same weekend last year. I was one of 6 Marshalls at one of the checkpoints from 3:30pm until 5:15am. One of the main things I remember about this time was how... Continue →