Everest CALM:Day 2

Today was a bit of a tougher effort, we arrived at the woods at 6:30am and groggily started our 17 laps. My morning caffiene fix of a mocha sachet and a Nespresso pod hadn’t quite kicked in and Paddy wasn’t firing on all cyclinders either. We stopped for a break after 5 laps. Paddy was moving considerably slower and struggling more than usual.

During our training for this, we have used breaks every 4-6 laps to help with the deliberate practice element of the preparation. Anyone who has been on Post Hill will vouch that it is steep enough to require your undivided attention but this also helps with maintaining focus for a set period of time. During our first break, Paddy looked very pale, he doesn’t have much colour at the best of times, but had gone noticably whiter!

We continued for another 6 laps and Paddy managed to find some energy from somewhere, knowing our 2nd break wasn’t far away after this, meant these were a lot more comfortable and then we would only have another 6 before going home!

Our last 6 were largely OK, the allure of breakfast before having to go into work was particularly appealing and I had high hopes for trying a new vegan bacon when I got home. Today was certainly a reminder that the planned 194 laps were never going to be at a uniform pace! Having to learn from pacing errors and minor mistakes is going to be part of the deal if we are going to reach Rum Doodle!



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37 weeks, 75 miles and an interesting theory about back-up plans

I found this week morbidly enjoyable because of the extra challenge that running in freezing temperatures presents. I had decided to try for 2 sessions a day for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. These were all runs apart from the evening... Continue →