Everest Challenge week 2: 20 laps of 5.4 miles and 2400m of ascent

This week was substantially harder than last. I managed to cover 2 laps of 5.4 miles on Wednesday and Thursday followed by a three-peat of 4 laps on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My pace and enthusiasm had all but dissappeared by part way through lap 1 on Sunday but I showed some perseverance and still managed to finish them. One of the locals enjoying a pint of beer on his front step just after 10am certainly brightened my mood.

I found yesterday and today’s 2 lap sessions more comfortable and although my pace didn’t really get any better, I was quite content to get the miles in. This brings me to just under half the total elevation for the challenge with 16 days remaining. I do like the idea of trying to improve my weekly total to 22-24 laps on the next fortnight but this will be something I’ll have to try to manage carefully as the priority is finishing the challenge. Even if I don’t have to increase it this much to reach the total, it will be good practice for me to be able to build up mileage quicker.

I enjoyed listening to a podcast called Sugar Calling this week, this involves Cheryl Strayed phoning authors she admires. Her guest from the first podcast had a great letter he read that was emailed to his graduate students. This was also published in the New Yorker and can be read using the link below



Now read this

27 weeks remaining, approx 51 miles and a battle to run through my first complete night

My week began with 2 laps of 5.4 miles, one each on Monday and Tuesday night. These were both at a reasonable pace without jeopardising any speed I’d need for over the weekend. I took the rest of the weekdays off so I would be well... Continue →