Everest CALM: Day 3

Today was frustrating for multiple reasons, I had a feeling I would be running on fumes when I had planned the week out based on my study and work commitments beforehand. I’ll get the excuses out of the way now, I hadn’t eaten as much as I should earlier in the day and being switched on from 10am yesterday until 4 today was always going to catch up with me part way up Post Hill!

Paddy had set off a lot faster than I expected and I tried to keep up for the first few laps then settled into being 5-7 seconds behind him at each summit. We have a gentleman’s code that we wait at the top of the hill and at the bottom before starting again. Despite the rests at 5 and 11 laps for our 17 today, I needed him to honour this for all sodding 17 of them!

One of the things I am most proud of in terms of this challenge is that we have picked a goal that is genuinely a stretch for both of us. It’s not a negative that it’s going to take our best efforts to get through all of the laps. So far we have 10,000ft completed, only 30,000 remain for the last 4 days!



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23 weeks, 62 miles and my first midweek 3 a day

This week was great in terms of both being able to fit in an extra rest day to usual (3) and building my weekly long run back up above 30 miles. I started the week with two laps of 5.4 miles on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. These were... Continue →